Several residents of Ulster County brought a lawsuit against the Ulster County Commission on Reapportionment, to challenge the maps that were adopted on July 13, 2022, to redraw the 23 Ulster County legislative districts.
These districts are usually redrawn every ten years, after the release of the census figures, to respond to changes in populations throughout the county. The Commission is required to consider the "cores of existing districts, of pre-existing political subdivisions,

including cities, villages of towns, and of communities of interest," according to New York State Municipal Home Rule Law, which was recently amended in October 2021.
The changes to State law also required that populations of each county legislative district be as equal as possible, and with a difference in populations of the largest and smallest districts no more than 5% of the mean of each of the legislative districts.
On December 13, 2022, following oral argument, Ulster County Supreme Court Justice Kevin Bryant determined that the maps did not follow New York State Home Rule Law and that they are void. The Commission was ordered to meet and redraw the lines for the legislative districts to conform with State law, to hold a public hearing on December 27, 2022 and to adopt a new map by January 3, 2023. If this is not accomplished, the Court will appoint a Special Master.
Laura Wong-Pan, Esq. and Lanny Walter, Esq. represent the Petitioners.